May Morning Glory Poetry Brunch, May 15, 2016

For those of you who cherish The Best Canadian Poetry, please join Molly Peacock, Lois Lorimer, Jim Nason & special guest Helen Humphreys as we insure another year of this anthology (and have brunch hors d’oeuvres, too).


Sunday, May 15, 2016, 11am-1pm
The Wickson Social
5 St. Joseph Street, Toronto

Contribution: $50.00*
We’d love it if you brought a friend, too!

Please prepay by PayPal or by sending your cheque to:
Tightrope Books Inc.
#207-2 College Street
Toronto ON M5G 1K3


*Your contribution includes coffee, tea and brunch hors d’ oeuvres, a copy of The Best Canadian Poetry 2015 (guest edited by Jacob McArthur Mooney), the witty company of poets and the grateful company of the editors and publisher of this anthology, now in its ninth year. Your contribution will help to ensure the long and happy life of this cherished Canadian poetry annual.



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