Some choose and others are forced to re-story their lives. Either way, this entails hard work.

music at a time like this is a song collection extrapolated from research material (2006) that is intended for “times like these” when the sea is rough, the road bumpy, and the spaces between the rocks and hard places grow tight.
Don’t just listen. Please sing along.
May these songs ease your load.
May your face be such that all the world will be happy.
Sound Samples:
Mary H. Rykov, PhD, MTA, FAMI is a music therapist-researcher. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this CD will benefit the Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund and the Canadian Cancer Society.
Available for $13.80 Cdn, including taxes and shipping.
CD Contents:
you’ll never walk alone (rodgers/hammerstein) 2:10
somewhere over the rainbow (harburg/arlen) 2:33
this little light of mine (traditional) 3:00
marco’s song – sometimes there are no reasons (rykov) 3:47
angels watching over me (traditional) 2:35
it’s in every one of us (pomerantz) 2:54
song of the soul (williamson) 3:15
hard times (foster) 2:42
kol haolam kulo (nachman of bretzlav/chait) 2:42
if (kipling/rykov) 3:16
guide my feet (traditional) 3:03
swing low (traditional) 2:33
woyaya (amarfio/osei/tontoh) 3:06
turn, turn, turn (ecclesiastes/seeger) 3:18
job’s niggun/nishbar libi (tanenbaum/rykov) 4:16
breaths (diop/barnwell) 3:32
we are the melody (rykov) 2:47
Total play time 52:40