Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (13 November 2019). What’s Your Score?
Barrera, M..E., Rykov, M. H. & Doyle, S. L. (2002). The effects of interactive music therapy on hospitalized children with cancer: A pilot study. [research report] Psycho-oncology, 11, 379-388. 103 kb.
Murrant, G., Rykov, M., Amonite, D. & Loynd M. (2000). Creativity and self-care for caregivers. [program report] Journal of Palliative Care, 16(2), 44-49. 536 kb
Rykov, M.H. Auerbach. (2020). Writing Race, Righting Racim. [review essay] The Caribbean Writer, 34: 559-562.
Rykov, M. (2020). The Void. [non-fiction essay] Write: Magazine of the Writers’ Union of Canada, 48(2): 23.
Rykov, M. (2020). some conditions apply. [poetry collection] Toronto: Inanna Publications.
Rykov, M. (2019). Dog-ate-my-homework syndrome and other tales from an academic editor. [op-ed] University Affairs, November 21.
Rykov, Mary H. Auerbach. (2019). writing prompt. [poem] Grain, 47(1): 71.
Rykov, Mary H. Auerbach. (2018). diethylstilbestrol (DES). [poem] In On Second Thought, edited by Meaghan Strimas and Priscila Uppal. Toronto: Mansfield Press, 77.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2018). Sowing SEED. [essay with images] Canadian Notes & Queries, 103, Fall: 53-55.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2018). some conditions apply. [poem] Feathertale Review, 22: 25.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2017). stories. [poem] Existere, 37(1): 84.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2017). take me home [poem] and Calypso Jews: Jewishness in the Caribbean Literary Imagination [review]. The Caribbean Writer, 31: 98 and 409-411.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2017). ‘Abyssinian Maid’. [memoir essay with images]. Canadian Notes & Queries (CNQ), 100: 33-36.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2017). Translation and Interpretation 101; invigilation. [2 poems] The Windsor Review, 50(1): 51-53.
Rykov, M. H. (17 October 2016). Group Therapy. [flash fiction] Crap Orgasm.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2016). My first job. [memoir essay with audio and images] Numéro Cinq, 7(7), July.
Rykov, M. H. Auerbach. (2016). Taraxacum officinale. [poem] Pulp Literature, 9(1), 128. 2017 Pushcart Prize nominee.
Rykov, M. H. (2015). Poem collection. Ars Medica: A Journal of Medicine, The Arts, and Humanities, 10(2), 72–73, 87 kb.
Rykov, M. H. 2014. Puertorriqueña. [poem] The Caribbean Writer 28: 38-39. 2015 Charlotte and Isidor Paiewonsky Prize.
Rykov, M. H. (2013). Apple cake variations on a Palmerston Avenue theme. [poem] Literary Review of Canada 21(10), 16.
Rykov, M. H. (2013). Tosca. [poem] Literary Review of Canada, 21(6), 17.
Rykov, M. H. (2012). Inquiry triptych. [essay with poems] In S. Stewart, S. Thomas & A. Cole. (Eds.) The art of poetic inquiry, (291–300). Halifax, NS: Backalong Books. 106 kb
Rykov, M. H. (2012). Making music therapy count. Ensemble: Magazine of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, 38(1), 16. 53.6 kb
Rykov, M. H., Weeks, V., Cadrin, M.L., Pringle, A., Salmon, D. & Montgomery, E. (2012). Bibliography for music therapy in hospice palliative care: Canadian Virtual Hospice music therapy community bibliography wiki. Winnipeg and Toronto: Canadian Virtual Hospice. 147 kb
Rykov, M. H. (2008). Melodic-poetic representation: Research sings. [essay with song] Journal of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, 13(2), 160-170. 430 kb
Rykov, M. H. (2008). Experiencing Music Therapy Cancer Support. [research with images] Journal of Health Psychology, 13(2), 190-200. 1735 kb.
Rykov, M. H. (2007). Dear Mr. Rilke: An arts-informed contemplation. [creative non-fiction essay] The Arts in Psychotherapy, 34(4). 81.2 kb
Rykov, M. H. (2005). One size fits all, or what is music therapy theory for? [essay] Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. Released March 1.
Rykov, M. H. (2001). Facing the music: Speculations on the dark side of our moon. [essay] Journal of Palliative Care, 17(3), 188-192. 417.6 kb
Rykov, M. H. (2001). Insights from a Jewish hospice program. [essay] Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 8(1), 64-74. 493 kb.
Conference Proceedings
Rykov, M. H., MacDonald, M. E., Cohen, S. R., Leis, A. (2007). [research poster abstract] Qualitative Outcome Research of Palliative Care Music Therapy. In Verhoef, M. & Boon, H. (2007). Coming of Age: Emerging Issues and New Directions in CAM Research, Abstracts from the Fourth Annual IN-CAM Symposium November 2 & 3, 2007, Vancouver, Canada,” Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Vol. 4, Iss. 1, Article 9, pg. 31. Available at: (5.5 MB)
Rykov, M. H. (2006). Voicing the song of music therapy cancer support. Proceedings of the Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education, pp. 191-196. (7.9 MB)
Rykov, M. H. (2006). [poster abstract]. “Getting by with a little help from my friends” meets “When I’m sixty-four.” Journal of Palliative Care 22(3), 247. (4.8 MB)
Rykov, M. H. (2005). Music, meaning and cancer support. [research paper]. 11th World Congress of Music Therapy, Brisbane, Australia, July 18-23. (Congress Handbook, p. 85) (2.6 MB)
Rykov, M. H. (2005). The collective GIM journey: Variations on a GIM theme. [experiential workshop]. 11th World Congress of Music Therapy, Brisbane, Australia, July 18 – 23. (Congress Handbook, p. 42) (2.6 MB)
Rykov, M. H. (2002). The lullaby group for pregnant and parenting teens. In J. Fachner & D. Aldridge (Eds.), Dialogue and Debate – Conference Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Music Therapy, Pp. 1457-1478 (pdf pages 1485-1504), Witten: Oxford2002.pdf. (133.1 kb) (9.6 MB)
Rykov, M. H. (2002). Sick mode, dying mode: Music therapy in the continuum of cancer treatment. In J. Fachner & D. Aldridge (Eds.), Dialogue and Debate – Conference Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Music Therapy, Pp. 1479-1487 (pdf pages 1501-1513), Oxford2002.pdf. 5.8 MB) (8.4 MB)
Rykov, M. (1985). A case in point: The use of creative music education in music therapy. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, 1984, 6 (22-28). (25 MB)